Monday 15 July 2013

Forgotten Cookies

These cookies are my new favourite. They are so crispy on the outside and soft and chewy in the middle. The original recipe is from the New Zealand Healthy Food Guide Magazine. I have slightly adapted it and added some of my own flavours and things that I love. (E.g. doubling the chocolate!) This is an anything goes recipe. Would be divine with pistachios, dried apricots e.t.c. Or in this case, boysenberry jam and dark chocolate. 

Forgotten Cookies 

2 Egg whites at room temperature
Pinch salt
120g castor sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1 cup of chocolate chips
2 tablespoons of boysenberry jam

1. Preheat oven to 160 degrees. Beat egg whites and salt well until foamy. 
2. Gradually add sugar and continue beating until mixture holds stiff peaks and makes a glossy, stiff meringue. Add vanilla and chocolate. Gently fold through jam, avoid mixing it completely in. This gives it a lovely marble effect.
3. Cover baking tray with baking paper. Drop teaspoons of mixture on prepared oven tray. Turn oven off and put tray in oven. Leave in closed oven overnight (or for at least 3 hours).

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