Saturday 8 June 2013

Eggs Florentine

I love Breakfast. I think that Breakfast is the key element of a successful day. If you start the day with food that you love and makes you happy then the positive effects from this will impact your attitude and outlook for the rest of the day. 

Eggs Florentine is my current 'go to' Sunday morning breakfast. I love the freshness of it and the ease. Its the perfect way to start the day. I like to serve mine on half a toasted bagel, any kind of freshly toasted bread would work though. English Muffins are nice! The trick is the homemade hollandaise. Store bought never tastes as good and once you get the hang of making it, you will never buy it again!

1 bagel sliced in half.
Sliced Smoked Salmon (1 small packet)
Sliver of butter
Ground Black Pepper
Coriander and Parsley to garnish
3x Egg
Pot of boiling water
1/4 white vinegar

HOLLANDAISE (from the Edmonds Cookbook recipe)
50g butter
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 egg yolks
1/4 cup of cream
1/4 tspn salt

1. Start with the Hollandaise. 
Melt the butter in a double boiler. Add lemon juice, egg yolks and cream. Cook, stirring constantly, until thick and smooth. Do not boil or sauce will curdle. Remove from heat. Add salt and beat til smooth. Leave to sit.
2. Have pot boiling hot and add vinegar. Add as many eggs as you would like to have poached. (I normally have one but the other half has two) If you like your egg yolks runny leave in water for approximately 2 minutes. Leave longer if you prefer it hard. 
3. Lightly butter your bagels. Put slivers of salmon on top of your bagel (I like LOTS of salmon) and serve your poached eggs on top. Pour the cooled hollandaise over the top of the bagels. Serve with fresh herbs and pepper.

Heres to Sunday Mornings!



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